The Cloister Shoppe
[email protected]
543 Springfield Ave.
543 Springfield Ave.
Summit, NJ US
The quickest way to get in contact with us is email: giftshop *@*
Thanks for shopping with us! God bless you for your support!
Brick and Mortar Store:
Our brick and mortar gift shop at the monastery carries all of the products listed on our website, plus a lot more! If you're ever in the area please stop by to visit the gift shop (located in the monastery lobby) and our Adoration Chapel. We have the Blessed Sacrament exposed everyday open to the public from 6am-7pm daily.
Store hours of operation: Monday- Saturday 10am-4pm.
About how we started:
Seignadou Soaps started in 2007 as
Christmas gifts for the nearly 100 volunteers who make up the Rosary Shrine
Guild and work as receptionists and drivers here at our monastery. Originally,
we were going to offer just 5 varieties of soap. That’s it! Of course, that
nascent idea lasted about 6 weeks and by Christmas we had expanded our line of
beautifully made, delightfully scented soaps to nearly twenty. About
a year later we expanded into making our signature hand
crème and lip balm. Both products are made of a recipe unique to the
Dominican Nuns. The ingredients are simple but rich in moisturizers such as
cocoa and mango butter, sweet almond oil and other all-natural ingredients!
Later additions include room
spray and natural
liquid hand soap. In
2013, we added a line of candles, aptly named Cloister Candles. We are
currently producing tumbler jar candles and 100%
beeswax candles in many shapes and sizes.
About our Monastery:
The Cloister Shoppe is the online shop of the Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary, Summit, New Jersey. To learn more about our monastic way of life please visit our website:
About our Name:
The Story Behind the Soap’s Name Translated from the French as the “Sign of God”, the “Seignadou” (pronounced “Seh-nya-doo”) was seen by our founder, St. Dominic de Guzman on July 22, 1206, as he kept vigil on a hilltop in Southern France. In answer to his prayers for guidance, a large fireball descended from the heavens and hovered over the the Church of Saint Mary of Prouilhe. His prayers were answered. He would establish the the first shoot of the “Holy Preaching” at this sacred site marked out by God, the first community of Nuns of the Order of Preachers. We chose this name, so beloved to Dominicans, for our soap in honor of the 800th Anniversary of the founding of the Nuns.
About our Products:
Our monastery’s line of soaps and candles are handcrafted in small batches with love and care. We use the finest and highest quality ingredients in all our products. All our soaps contain glycerin to soften, combined with Shea Butter Goats milk to moisturize and nourish the skin. Our wide variety of fragrances from florals to musks makes gift-giving fitting for everyone. Best of all, because all our items are packaged by our nuns each of the products are wrapped with prayer.