by Simon Tugwell, O.P.
"The individuality of a St. Francis, a St. Thomas More or a St. Therese of Lisieux is clearly marked for all to see. Other saints are less obtrusive, and this is particularly true of St. Dominic, who had an unusual talent for fitting in, for adapting himself to circumstances and people and especially to the needs of his contemporaries."
A new (and, at times, controversial) telling of the story of St. Dominic "in the light of evidence" by renowned English Dominican historian and spiritual writer, Simon Tugwell, O.P. Fr. Tugwell follows Dominic from his birth in Caleruega to his life as a canon regular of St. Augustine to the diplomatic journey with Bishop Diego of Osma which was to turn his life around in a most dramatic and unexpected direction, resulting in the foundation of "an entirely new kind of religious order, the Order of Preachers." Also included in the booklet is a chapter, "The Dominican Family in the United States: Preaching Jesus Christ, Yesterday, Today and in the Future" by Sr. Mary Jeremiah, O.P., a Dominican Nun from the Monastery of the Infant Jesus, Lufkin, Texas. Lavishly illustrated.
Softcover Booklet (8 1/4 x 11 5/16), 56 pages, Editions du Signe, 1995.